Seeing My Art Again After 10 Years!

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I had a love-hate relationship with art at school. I took art for my GCSEs and A-Level because I did have some talent, and I did enjoy it to some extent. Our school was quite strict with the Fine Art curriculum. We had to learn all the basic rules and couldn't really play around with watercolours or different mediums. Acrylics were our main medium and all exams had very defined rules and regulations. Which I now appreciate because it is important to learn the rules and play them well before you start experimenting.

My Art A-Level exam took about 10 hours over 2 days. A lovely person sat for me and helped me with all my coursework prior to the exam (I had a bit of meltdown as the exam approached as my first idea was rejected by the teachers and I had to start all over again)

The other day I wrote to the school to ask to be put on the alumni again (I'd moved from the last address) They got back in touch saying they had wanted to get in touch with me because one of my exam pieces was hanging up in the school and would I like it back. I jumped at that and said 'Yes!'

It arrived one morning when I had completely forgotten about it and it was so lovely opening it up and seeing my work again. It actually made me feel proud because I am a very pessimistic person and I often look at things I've done and think they are useless and a waste of time, so it was great to look and think, "Yeah! I worked hard on that and it paid off!"

You can watch  me unwrapping the painting for the first time on 10 years in the video below! Go along and subscribe to the channel if you want to see some more creative videos.

lots of love
Little Moose