Dolls: Make Your Own Ragdoll

01:20 Unknown 0 Comments

 I've never made a rag-doll before. I've always wanted to but I only learned how to sew with a machine recently and I've played around with a few sewing projects so I felt more confident about it. 

I love the tutorial and pattern that I found on Martha Stewart's website from the Black Apple Doll company. It's really straightforward and the instructions are handwritten and have gorgeous little hand-drawn illustrations with them that are SO much more friendly then most pattern instructions.

You can download the pattern, tutorial and watch their video here

I used Kevin's old rugby shirt and a couple of shirts I got in the charity shop. I definitely prefer the rugby shirt material because it's only slightly stretchy but enough to make the doll a little bit cuddly.

I accessorised a couple of them with mini beanies and scarfs but you can go wild with dressing them up.

Watch my video tutorial on how to make your own rag doll!